Preserving Gili Trawangan Coral Reefs: A Collaborative Call to Action

Gili Trawangan, Indonesia - The pristine waters surrounding the Three Gilis (Trawangan, Meno, Air) in North Lombok Regency have long been revered as international tourist hotspots, drawing visitors from around the globe.

Gili Trawangan, Indonesia - The pristine waters surrounding the Three Gilis (Trawangan, Meno, Air) in North Lombok Regency have long been revered as international tourist hotspots, drawing visitors from around the globe. Among their many attractions, the resplendent coral reefs stand out as a captivating underwater spectacle for divers. However, the conservation of these magnificent coral formations demands immediate and collective attention.

Gili Trawangan

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The Declining State of Coral Reefs

Wenie Bokang, the Manager of the Laguna Dive Center, expressed her concern about the deteriorating state of the coral reefs in the vicinity of the Three Gilis. She attributes this decline to historical fishing practices, including the use of destructive techniques such as bombing, which have taken a toll on these vital marine ecosystems.

The Urgency of Coral Conservation

In response to the urgent need for action, coral conservation initiatives have gained momentum. The realization that coral growth is a slow and time-consuming process has fueled a sense of urgency to commence preservation efforts without delay.

Military Regional Command's Exemplary Effort

A recent exemplary effort was led by the personnel of Military Regional Command (Korem) 162 Wira Bhakti (WB). On August 18th, they undertook a coral planting mission in the crystal-clear waters surrounding Gili Trawangan. This eco-conscious endeavor was thoughtfully combined with an underwater flag parade to commemorate Indonesia's 78th Independence Day.

Gili Trawangan
Image Source: Inside Lombok/Korem 162/WB

Uniting for Preservation

A total of 20 divers, comprising members of the TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) and the local diving community, enthusiastically participated in this initiative orchestrated by Danrem 162/WB, Brigadier General TNI Agus Bhakti. Their shared objective was to highlight the collective responsibility for preserving the natural beauty of the underwater environment.

Two Key Sessions

The coral planting and diving activities were strategically divided into two sessions. The first session, held in the morning, centered around coral planting at Halik Reef, a prominent diving site located to the north of Gili Trawangan. Subsequently, the second session unfolded as an underwater flag parade at Shallow Turbo, another prominent diving location situated between Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno.

A Catalyst for Broader Collaborative Efforts

Brigadier General TNI Agus Bhakti, reflecting on this meaningful endeavor, humbly acknowledged that the impact of their coral planting may not be immediately substantial. Nevertheless, he underscored the importance of such actions as a catalyst for broader collaborative efforts aimed at preserving and protecting Indonesia's marine ecosystem.

"While our contribution may not be monumental in itself, we extend an open invitation to the entire community, particularly the diving community, to unite in safeguarding and nurturing our natural environment, including the vital task of planting coral reefs. Together, we can effectively sustain the marine ecosystem that enriches our beloved Indonesian waters," Brigadier General TNI Agus Bhakti passionately articulated.

The Gili Islands

A Testament to Shared Commitment

The collaborative spirit witnessed during this coral planting mission in Gili Trawangan serves as a testament to the shared commitment of individuals and organizations alike to protect the rich marine biodiversity that makes Indonesia's seascape so breathtaking. It is a reminder that small actions, when taken together, can create a significant positive impact on the environment.


The coral reefs of Gili Trawangan are not just a local treasure but a global one. The collaborative efforts of the military and local diving community, as demonstrated during the coral planting mission, highlight the significance of collective action in preserving these vital ecosystems. Every small step towards conservation counts, and it's an open invitation to all to join hands in safeguarding the natural beauty that lies beneath the waves.

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